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apihelp-tokens-param-type (토론) (번역) Types of token to request.
apihelp-txt-description (토론) (번역) Output data in PHP's <code>print_r()</code> format.
apihelp-txtfm-description (토론) (번역) Output data in PHP's <code>print_r()</code> format (pretty-print in HTML).
apihelp-unblock-description (토론) (번역) Unblock a user.
apihelp-unblock-example-id (토론) (번역) Unblock block ID #<kbd>105</kbd>.
apihelp-unblock-example-user (토론) (번역) Unblock user <kbd>Bob</kbd> with reason <kbd>Sorry Bob</kbd>.
apihelp-unblock-param-id (토론) (번역) ID of the block to unblock (obtained through <kbd>list=blocks</kbd>). Cannot be used together with <var>$1user</var>.
apihelp-unblock-param-reason (토론) (번역) Reason for unblock.
apihelp-unblock-param-user (토론) (번역) Username, IP address or IP range to unblock. Cannot be used together with <var>$1id</var>.
apihelp-undelete-description (토론) (번역) Restore revisions of a deleted page. A list of deleted revisions (including timestamps) can be retrieved through [[Special:ApiHelp/query+deletedrevs|list=deletedrevs]], and a list of deleted file IDs can be retrieved through [[Special:ApiHelp/query+filearchive|list=filearchive]].
apihelp-undelete-example-page (토론) (번역) Undelete page <kbd>Main Page</kbd>.
apihelp-undelete-example-revisions (토론) (번역) Undelete two revisions of page <kbd>Main Page</kbd>.
apihelp-undelete-param-fileids (토론) (번역) IDs of the file revisions to restore. If both <var>$1timestamps</var> and <var>$1fileids</var> are empty, all will be restored.
apihelp-undelete-param-reason (토론) (번역) Reason for restoring.
apihelp-undelete-param-timestamps (토론) (번역) Timestamps of the revisions to restore. If both <var>$1timestamps</var> and <var>$1fileids</var> are empty, all will be restored.
apihelp-undelete-param-title (토론) (번역) Title of the page to restore.
apihelp-undelete-param-watchlist (토론) (번역) Unconditionally add or remove the page from the current user's watchlist, use preferences or do not change watch.
apihelp-upload-description (토론) (번역) Upload a file, or get the status of pending uploads. Several methods are available: * Upload file contents directly, using the <var>$1file</var> parameter. * Upload the file in pieces, using the <var>$1filesize</var>, <var>$1chunk</var>, and <var>$1offset</var> parameters.* Have the MediaWiki server fetch a file from a URL, using the <var>$1url</var> parameter. * Complete an earlier upload that failed due to warnings, using the <var>$1filekey</var> parameter. Note that the HTTP POST must be done as a file upload (i.e. using <code>multipart/form-data</code>) when sending the <var>$1file</var>.
apihelp-upload-example-filekey (토론) (번역) Complete an upload that failed due to warnings.
apihelp-upload-example-url (토론) (번역) Upload from a URL.
apihelp-upload-param-async (토론) (번역) Make potentially large file operations asynchronous when possible.
apihelp-upload-param-asyncdownload (토론) (번역) Make fetching a URL asynchronous.
apihelp-upload-param-checkstatus (토론) (번역) Only fetch the upload status for the given file key.
apihelp-upload-param-chunk (토론) (번역) Chunk contents.
apihelp-upload-param-comment (토론) (번역) Upload comment. Also used as the initial page text for new files if <var>$1text</var> is not specified.
apihelp-upload-param-file (토론) (번역) File contents.
apihelp-upload-param-filekey (토론) (번역) Key that identifies a previous upload that was stashed temporarily.
apihelp-upload-param-filename (토론) (번역) Target filename.
apihelp-upload-param-filesize (토론) (번역) Filesize of entire upload.
apihelp-upload-param-ignorewarnings (토론) (번역) Ignore any warnings.
apihelp-upload-param-leavemessage (토론) (번역) If asyncdownload is used, leave a message on the user talk page if finished.
apihelp-upload-param-offset (토론) (번역) Offset of chunk in bytes.
apihelp-upload-param-sessionkey (토론) (번역) Same as $1filekey, maintained for backward compatibility.
apihelp-upload-param-stash (토론) (번역) If set, the server will stash the file temporarily instead of adding it to the repository.
apihelp-upload-param-statuskey (토론) (번역) Fetch the upload status for this file key (upload by URL).
apihelp-upload-param-text (토론) (번역) Initial page text for new files.
apihelp-upload-param-url (토론) (번역) URL to fetch the file from.
apihelp-upload-param-watch (토론) (번역) Watch the page.
apihelp-upload-param-watchlist (토론) (번역) Unconditionally add or remove the page from the current user's watchlist, use preferences or do not change watch.
apihelp-userrights-description (토론) (번역) Change a user's group membership.
apihelp-userrights-example-user (토론) (번역) Add user <kbd>FooBot</kbd> to group <kbd>bot</kbd>, and remove from groups <kbd>sysop</kbd> and <kbd>bureaucrat</kbd>.
apihelp-userrights-example-userid (토론) (번역) Add the user with ID <kbd>123</kbd> to group <kbd>bot</kbd>, and remove from groups <kbd>sysop</kbd> and <kbd>bureaucrat</kbd>.
apihelp-userrights-param-add (토론) (번역) Add the user to these groups.
apihelp-userrights-param-reason (토론) (번역) Reason for the change.
apihelp-userrights-param-remove (토론) (번역) Remove the user from these groups.
apihelp-userrights-param-user (토론) (번역) User name.
apihelp-userrights-param-userid (토론) (번역) User ID.
apihelp-watch-description (토론) (번역) Add or remove pages from the current user's watchlist.
apihelp-watch-example-generator (토론) (번역) Watch the first few pages in the main namespace.
apihelp-watch-example-unwatch (토론) (번역) Unwatch the page <kbd>Main Page</kbd>.
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